Have you ever received an email from a client and made a judgment on them based on their name? Have you hired someone because they went to the same university as you? Have you worked harder on a case because the client reminded you of a close family relative or have you been rude to a colleague because he/ she looks like your dentist? If so, this one-hour lecture gives an overview on why and how unconscious bias occurs and how an awareness of same can improve decision-making and relationships with clients, colleagues and the Court.
The lecture covers a number of topics, including:
- What is unconscious bias?
- CV blind policy
- How bias affects decision making?
- System 1 and system 2 thinking
- How to make difficult decisions easier?
- WYSIATI – What you see is all there is
- Different types of bias
- Unconscious bias in the judiciary
Teaching method:
e-Lecture, PowerPoint;
Duration & pricing:
- Net-Duration: 1 hour
To book this lecture please refer to: 2024 Legal CPD programme
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