Practice & Procedure


In 2024 CPD-Philanthropy provides a choice of 92 in person attendance / 'up-to-date' on demand online 1 hour & 1/2 hour course modules, within the area of Legal Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

We invite you to build your own CPD programme from CPD-Philanthropy's 2024 Legal CPD Conference, Seminar and e-Learning programme by combining course modules to reflect your interest/requirement: 2024 LEGAL CPD PROGRAMME 

Course module descriptors state aims/learning outcomes, content, net duration and availability.

Please note:

  • Additional 2023 - 2024 module descriptors and updates are being uploaded on an ongoing basis. 
  • Legal course modules are designed to comply with the annual CPD requirement for Solicitors (25 hours Legal CPD).
  • This directory of course modules provides an overview of current & discontinued lectures which CPD-Philanthropy has provided since 2015.

The Role of Expert Witnesses (Click link for more information)

Module descriptor will be uploaded shortly. To book this lecture please click the link above.

Injunctions - When and how to bring them? (Click link for more information)

Injunctions are a common occurrence in litigation. Litigators should be aware of the practicalities and pitfalls related to brining injunctions and of the practice and procedures surrounding same. This one hour lecture deals with the practice and procedure involved in injunction applications along with an analysis of the latest case law in the area.

The Mediation Act 2017 (Click link for more information)

With the recent introduction of The Mediation Act 2017, alternative dispute resolution is set to become much more common in civil and commercial law cases. This one hour lecture will cover the most pertinent points of the new legislation, for practitioners.

The Statute of Limitations and Limitations of Actions (Click link for more information)

The Statute of Limitations is, perhaps, the biggest enemy of every Lawyer. Time limits for issuing proceedings must be strictly adhered to and serious consequences can flow for failure to comply with the relevant time periods laid down. This one- hour lecture gives a comprehensive overview of the relevant statutory time periods for various causes of actions.

Judicial Review - Practice and Procedure - An update December 2019  (Click link for more information)

Judicial review is a discretionary remedy whereby the High Court exercises supervisory jurisdiction over the “inferior” courts, other tribunals and a wide range of public bodies. This one hour lecture seeks to provide a general overview on some aspects of judicial review that have been considered by the Irish Superior Courts over the last 12 months.

Judicial Review – Practice and Procedure - An update December 2016 (Click link for more information)

Order 84 of The Rules of the Superior Courts deals with procedural changes regarding the bringing of Judicial Review applications. This lecture covers the practice and procedure involved in High Court, Judicial Review applications and provides Solicitors with an overview of the relevant rules. 

New High Court Rules - Practice and Procedure  (Click link for more information)

The new High Court Rules were introduced due to cases being in lists for a long time, a failure to settle cases until hearing, lengthy trial and superfluous witnesses, all leading to increased costs. This one hour lectures covers the main changes brought about by I. 254 of 2016 – Rules of the Superior Courts (Conduct of Trials) 2016 S.I. 255 of 2016 – Rules of the Superior Courts (Chancery and Non-Jury Actions and Other Designated Proceedings: Pre-trial Procedures) 2016.

The Court of Appeal – Practice & Procedure  (Click link for more information)

The Court of Appeal was established under The Court of Appeal Act 2014 and allows for new procedures in relation to bringing High Court appeals. This lecture introduces participants to the recent legislation and rules which govern The Court of Appeal and deals with the practice and procedures for bringing appeals before the Court. LOGO 11