In 2024 CPD-Philanthropy provides a choice of 92 in person attendance / 'up-to-date' on demand online 1 hour & 1/2 hour course modules, within the area of Legal Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
We invite you to build your own CPD programme from CPD-Philanthropy's 2024 Legal CPD Conference, Seminar and e-Learning programme by combining modules to reflect your interest/requirement: 2024 LEGAL CPD PROGRAMME
Course module descriptors state aims/learning outcomes, content, net duration and availability.
Please note:
- Additional 2023 - 2024 module descriptors and updates are being uploaded on an ongoing basis.
- Legal course modules are designed to comply with the annual CPD requirement for Solicitors (25 hours Legal CPD).
- This directory of course modules provides an overview of current & discontinued lectures which CPD-Philanthropy has provided since 2015.
The ADM (Capacity) Act 2015 – Lessons Learned –An update 2024 (Click link for more information)
Module descriptor will be uploaded shortly. To book this lecture please click the link above.
Decision Making Support and The Law [ADM (Capacity) Act 2015] (Click link for more information)
The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 was amended by the ADM(C)(A)A 2022 and both Acts were commenced on 26th April 2023. The legislation Repealed the Marriage of Lunatics Act 1811 and the Lunacy Regulation (Ireland)Act 1871 and Section 54 and 55 – abolishes the current wardship system for adults and requires all adult wards of court to be discharged from wardship. This one-hour lecture covers the various changes which the legislation introduces.
Wardship & Applications under The ADM Act 2015 – The Curcuit Court (Click link for more information)
The role of the legal practitioner has evolved in the area of wardship and capacity since the introduction of the ADMCA 2015. This lecture focuses on various issues which a Solicitor may have to advise upon including discharge application, the appointment of an Decision Making Representative, different types of assisted decision making arrangements and who can be a decision supporter.
The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 – A New Beginning (Click link for more information)
This one-hour lecture discusses the principles underpinning the new legislation and outlines the importance of the ‘Nothing about us without us’- human rights based- people-centred approach. The lecture focuses on the main changes being brought in by The Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015 and Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Amendment Bill.
The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 – An update December 2021 (Click link for more information)
The issue of capacity arises in numerous areas of law such as Wardship, Powers of Attorney, the loss of capacity arising from accidents/medical negligence and the protection of vulnerable persons. The Assisted Decision-Making Capacity Act 2015, parts of which are commencing imminently, introduces a number of new concepts relating to the issue of capacity, decision making and self-determination. This one- hour lecture evaluates the aims and objectives of the Act and sets out the new changes in relation to decision-making, Wardship and the Decision Support Services.
Elderly Clients & The Fair Deal Scheme– An update 2022 (Click link for more information)
The scheme was introduced to pay for long-term care for persons in need of the services of an “approved nursing home”. It is a “statutory scheme” introduced by an Act of the Oireachtas and it is administered by the Health Services Executive (HSE) with the assistance of the Revenue Commissioners. It was introduced by the Nursing Homes Support Act 2009.
The Regulation of Nursing Homes – An update 2020 (Click link for more information)
In the Republic of Ireland, approximately 30,000 persons live in a long-term residential care setting. There are three broad categories of nursing homes – public, private and voluntary and there are approximately 584 nursing homes in the Republic of Ireland. Consequently, various legal issues arise for the owners and operators of nursing homes such as registration, regulation and inspections. This one our lecture gives an overview of the current law relating to nursing homes in Ireland.
Advance Healthcare Directives - Living Wills (Click link for more information)
Advance Healthcare Directives (AHDs) allow people to express their wishes about any medical treatment in circumstances where they may become incapacitated in the future. Sometimes the terms living will, advance decision or advance refusal are used. People sometimes make AHDs to limit the treatment given in order not to continue life support, for example, a Do Not Resuscitate Order. Other people make AHDs in order to express a wish that they want all possible treatments to be provided. The Assisted Decision-Making Capacity Act 2015 provides a legal framework for Advance Healthcare Directives in Ireland, but this part of the Act has not yet been commenced. This one hour lecture covers the legal issues surrounding AHDs.
Consent in Medical Procedures - An update December 2019 (Click link for more information)
It is generally accepted that every adult human being of sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done to his or her body. It is also a generally accepted legal principle that a doctor who performs an operation or procedure without the patient’s consent commits an assault. The question then is what is consent and when does one have the capacity to give such consent?
Legal Issues re Powers of Attorney, Vulnerable Clients and End-Of-Life Care (Click link for more information)
In contrast to general powers of attorney, EPAs only come into effect during the donor’s subsequent mental incapacity. EPAs may be restricted regarding the authority granted or the property captured by the power. Practitioners are commonly faced with the issue of having to create an enduring power of attorney for elderly or vulnerable clients. This one-hour lecture guides practitioners through the practicalities of creation, registration and subsequent Court applications which may arise when dealing with enduring powers of attorney.
The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015: How will consent change? (Click link for more information)
The introduction of The Assisted Decision-Making Capacity Act 2015 raises numerous questions in relation to the definition of consent. This one hour lecture focuses on the issue of consent in the context of the Act and analyses some recent case law on the topic.
Capacity & The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 - An update December 2020 (Click link for more information)
The issue of capacity arises in numerous areas of law such as wardship, powers of attorney, the loss of capacity arising from accidents/medical negligence and the protection of vulnerable persons. The Assisted Decision-Making Capacity Act 2015 introduces a number of new concepts relating to the issue of capacity, decision making and self-determination. This one hour lectures evaluates the aims and objectives of the Act.
The Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act – 2015 (Click link for more information)
This short module introduces the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 which was signed into law on 30th December 2015. The enactment of this Act has been long-awaited and was a long time in the making. The measures in this Act dramatically alter the landscape surrounding the law on capacity in Ireland and it brings about the long-awaited repeal of the Victorian-era Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act 1871 and the Marriage of Lunatics Act 1811.
Wardship – An update December 2021 (Click link for more information)
This one-hour lecture gives an overview of the different types of wardship applications, the proofs required, the matters to be set out in the Affidavit and Petition. The lecture also analyses a number of significant Supreme Court cases in this area of law. Practitioners should be aware that the Circuit Court will have jurisdiction in relation to Wardship applications when the relevant part of The ADMC Act 2015 are commenced.
Wardship - Practice and Procedure - An update December 2020 (Click link for more information)
This one hour lecture deals the various procedures available to practitioners in bringing Warship applications. It sets out the test for Wardship as laid down by Order 67 of The Rules of the Superior Courts and The Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act 1871. The lecture also explains how to bring an application for an Intended Warship pursuant to Section 11 of the Act and explains what a temporary Ward is.
Elderly clients & The Fair Deal Scheme - An update 2018 (Click link for more information)
The Fair Deal Scheme was introduced as a result of the closure of the Nursing Home Subvention Scheme which closed to new applications on October 27th 2009. Many questions of law arise in relation to the working of the scheme. This one hour lecture covers some of the practical problems which arise in the context of the scheme and how those can be dealt with.
Capacity, Wardship & Powers of Attorney - An update December 2017 (Click link for more information)
This one hour lecture gives an overview of the relevant legislation, conventions and case law pertaining to capacity, wardship and powers of attorney.