In 2024 CPD-Philanthropy provides a choice of 92 'up-to-date', in person attendance / online 1 hour & 1/2 hour course modules, within the area of Legal Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
We invite you to build your own CPD programme from CPD-Philanthropy's 2024 Legal CPD Conference, Seminar and e-Learning programme by combining course modules to reflect your interest/requirement: 2024 LEGAL CPD PROGRAMME
Course module descriptors state aims/learning outcomes, content, net duration and availability.
Please note:
- Additional 2023 - 2024 module descriptors and updates are being uploaded on an ongoing basis.
- Legal course modules are designed to comply with the annual CPD requirement for Solicitors (25 hours Legal CPD).
- This directory of courses provides an overview of current & discontinued lectures which CPD-Philanthropy has provided since 2015.
Managing Lay Litigants (Click link for more information)
In recent years, the Courts have seen a rise in the number of litigants representing themselves in person. This situation often occurs in debt collection cases, repossession, property law, landlord and tenant case, employment law and family law. This one hour module deals with the difficulties faced by lawyers dealing with lay litigants.
Managing Difficult Clients (Click link for more information)
This one hour lecture covers some tips for managing difficult clients and is informed by the well-established principles set out in ‘Getting to Yes’ by Roger Fisher and William Ury and ‘Getting past no’ by William Ury.
Managing Vulnerable Clients – The New Regime [ADM (Capacity) Act 2015] (Click link for more information)
With the introduction of the new AMDCA Act 2015, it is incumbent on legal practitioners
to be aware of the new regime. This one hour lecture introduces the various new
concepts and definitions introduced by the legislation and sets out how the practice and
procedure in relation to making Court applications to have Decision Making
Representatives appointed.
Dealing with Vulnerable & Elderly Clients - An update December 2019 (Click link for more information)
Issues relating to capacity, dignity, personal autonomy, 'Best Interests' and the individual’s personal rights often arise in relation to the law surrounding vulnerable and elderly clients. The question of what is meant by the Best Interests principle is often interpreted differently by care givers, medical practitioners and lawyers.
Managing Unconscious Bias in Legal Practice (Click link for more information)
Have you ever received an email from a client and made a judgment on them based on their name? Have you hired someone because they went to the same university as you? Have you worked harder on a case because the client reminded you of a close family relative or have you been rude to a colleague because he/ she looks like your dentist? If so, this one-hour lecture gives an overview on why and how unconscious bias occurs and how an awareness of same can improve decision-making and relationships with clients, colleagues and the Court.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Construction (Click link for more information)
Construction law covers numerous types of disputes including Negligence, Liability for defective products, Trespass, Nuisance, Contract law and Planning law. This lecture navigates the various issue which might arise in a construction law dispute and how to deal with them.
Alternative Dispute Resolution – How & when to use it? (Click link for more information)
This one-hour lecture focuses on the different types of Mediation, explains the differences between each and sets out which type is suitable for different cases. Pitfall regarding costs for failing to engage in Mediation are also dealt with.
Settlements & Negotiations – Golden Rules (Click link for more information)
With the introduction of The Mediation Act 2017, there has been an upsurge in alternative dispute resolution with legal practitioners focusing not just on Mediation but on negotiating and settling cases at an earlier stage in order to avoid lengthy litigation.
The Role of Mediation – The Personal Injuries Resolution Board (Click link for more information)
Module descriptor will be uploaded shortly. To book this lecture please click the link above.
Acting for Clients in Mediation (I) – What to do and when to do it?
This ½ hour lecture sets out the parameters of a legal practitioners’ duty under The Mediation Act. It highlights the various sections of the Act which the Solicitor must comply with before, during and after the Mediation. The lecture refers to the carious rules of Court and sets out how a client should be prepared for Mediation. There is also reference to the new Mediation Board for Personal Injuries under the PIRB Act 2022.
Acting for Clients in Mediation (II) – What to do and when to do it?
This 1-hour lecture aims to provide clarity to legal practitioners on their role when acting for clients in a Mediation. It highlights the differences between litigation and mediation and illustrates how a whole new skill set and method of communication are needed when acting in a Mediation. It provides many helpful top tips for Solicitors who act for clients in Mediations in order to obtain the best outcome.
Mediation - A Tool to Manage Difficult Cases (Click link for more information)
The Mediation Act 2017 came into force in January 2018. This one hour lecture will deal with the changes which the act has brought about in relation to practice and procedure surrounding Mediation. The lecture will focus ,in particular, on how Mediation can be used by practitioners in relation to dealing with difficult cases and it will highlight the types of cases for which Mediation is appropriate.
Developing Strategies for Preventing GDPR Breaches (Click link for more information)
This one hour lecture covers the evolution of the GDPR since it’s inception in 2018 and deals with the jurisprudence of the Irish and European Courts in relation to damages for a breach of the regulation. It sets out how legal practitioners might unwittingly become involved in a data breach and highlights how such breaches might be prevented. It also deals with the latest case law in relation to breaches for non-material damages.
Managing Disputes in the Workplace (Click link for more information)
Module descriptor will be uploaded shortly. To book this lecture please click the link above.
Dealing with Workplace Grievances – The Legal Perspective (Click link for more information)
This one-hour lecture focuses what every Solicitor should know in relation to advising clients regarding managing bullying and harassment claims. The lecture focuses on procedures such as statutory time limits, definitions in the legislation and code of practice and the formalities when appearing in the WRC.
Managing Bullying and Harassment – Procedures & Protocol (Click link for more information)
This one-hour lecture covers the main aspects relating to bullying and harassment in the workplace.
Managing Employees Effectively – The Legal Perspective (Click link for more information)
This one hour lecture deals with recent issue which have arisen in the area of employee’s rights and how to deal with them as an employer. The lecture covers procedural issues which are relevant for all employers, along with duties regarding protected disclosures, health and safety and the right to a fair hearing.
Tax Law for Solicitors – What every Solicitor should know. (Click link for more information)
Module descriptor will be uploaded shortly. To book this lecture please click the link above.
Legal Costs Case Law (II) – An update 2024 (Click link for more information)
Module descriptor will be uploaded shortly. To book this lecture please click the link above.
The Bill of Costs - Procedures and the Law – An update 2022 (Click link for more information)
This one hour lectures focuses on the link between Section 150 and Section 152 of The Legal Services Act 2015, along with giving clear guidance in relation to all matters which should be set out in a Bill of Costs which is going before The Legal Costs Adjudicator.
Legal Costs Case Law (I) – An update 2021 (Click link for more information)
A party who is entirely successful in civil proceedings is entitled to costs against a party who is not successful, unless the Ct orders otherwise, having regard to the particular nature & circumstances of the case, & the conduct of the proceedings by the parties. This one-hour lecture analyses the law pursuant to Section 169 of the LSRA Act 2105 and deals with the concept of ‘entirely successful as well as looking at the relevant conduct and circumstances which a Court can consider in making such determinations. The lecture also covers a number of recent cases on costs.
Undertakings – How and when to give them? (Click link for more information)
Module descriptor will be uploaded shortly. To book this lecture please click the link above.
The Legal Costs Adjudicator - An update 2020 (Click link for more information)
The introduction of the office of The Legal Costs Adjudicator in October 2019, replaces the office of The Taxing Master. Disputes pertaining to the adjudication of party and party costs and solicitor / client costs will now be deal with by the Legal Costs Adjudicator. This one hour lecture deals with the jurisdiction conferred on the new office of the Legal Costs Adjudicator and discusses the issues which can now be taken into account in assessing legal costs.
Legal Costs and The Legal Costs Adjudicator (Click link for more information)
The Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 was published on the 30th December 2015 and brings about significant changes, which will come in to affect once the Act is commenced by the Minister for Justice and Law Reform.
The Taxing Masters office will be renamed the “Office of the Legal Costs Adjudicator” and number of additional powers have been extended to the office of the Legal Costs Adjudicator under Section 151. The Powers of Legal Costs Adjudicator are set out in S.156 and further changes will be made in relation to percentage charging. This lecture seeks to cover the main changes which the Act brings about and deals with the implications for Solicitors.
Managing Employment Law Disputes - An update 2020 (Click link for more information)
Fair procedures are integral to the management of employment law disputes. The recent Supreme Court case of Zalweski underscores the importance of this. The issue of legal representation also often arises and was dealt with in the Supreme Court case of McKelvey [2019] IESC 79. This one hour lecture covers the various procedures which should be employed in dealing with employment law dispute in order to ensure that all parties are adequately protected.
Managing Workplace Investigations (Click link for more information)
This one hour lecture covers all the relevant issues which every managing solicitor should be aware of in relation to how to conduct workplace investigations, while ensuring fairness and justice for the parties involved.
Managing Bullying and Harassment claims in the workplace (Click link for more information)
The Supreme Court have set out a number of clear principles which clarify the law in this area. This one hour lecture deals with how an employer should approach these cases, going forward.
Managing Employees (Click link for more information)
This short module introduces you to the various issues surrounding the recruitment, training and managing of employees in a busy practice. It highlights various legal pitfalls which employers should be aware of in order to ensure compliance with employment law and in order to avoid potential litigation.
Data Protection and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (Click link for more information)
Is your business EU Data Protection ready? This one hour lecture deals with the rules under the new law and the consequences of non-compliance.
Risk Management: Solicitor’s Undertakings (Click link for more information)
This short module, introduces you to the recent Solicitor cases which have appeared in The Solicitor’s List and The High Court. It analyses up-to-date case law involving Solicitors and The Law Society, alleged conflicts of interest, disgruntled clients and professional negligence cases. The module highlights how to avoid potential litigation and how to ensure compliance with Solicitor’s Regulations.