Probate Case Law – An update December 2021

The issue of un-executed amendments to Wills and the weight to be attached to same is one that often arises. This issue was assessed by the High Court in 2021, in the McEnroe case and is dealt with in this lecture. Another area of interest for Probate practitioners is undue influence and the Circuit Court case of ‘In the Estate of Eileen Cunningham’ set out some interesting principles in this respect, which are also dealt with in this lecture. Recent case law on the issue of a valid revocation is also analysed.

Topics covered:

  • Amendments to a Will
  • Obliterations & Interlineations
  • In the matter of McEnroe [2021] IECA 28
  • Lost or destroyed Wills
  • In re the Estate of Eastwood [2021] IEHC 387
  • Undue Influence
  • In the Estate of Eileen Cunningham, Circuit Court, 20th Nov 2020
  • The Estate of Patrick John Mannion v Guadiano [2021] IEHC 117

Teaching methods:  

e-Lecture, PowerPoint.

Duration & pricing:

  • Net-Duration: Discontinued 2024

To book current available lectures please refer to: 2024 Legal CPD programme

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