The Workplace Relations Act 2015 was enacted in May 2015 and commenced in October 2015. It makes significant changes to the law in relation to employment disputes and it provides for the abolishment of The Employment Appeals Tribunal and The Rights Commissioner, among other bodies, in order to create a more streamlined procedure for employment disputes in Ireland. The Act provides for the creation of The Workplace Relations Commission and make alterations to present time limits for instituting challenges.
By the end of the module participants should be able to:
- An overview of The Workplace Relations Act 2015
- The role and powers of The Workplace Relations Commission
- The new time limits
- Early resolution and mediation
- Appeals to The Labour Court
Course Content:
According to the then Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, the Workplace Relations Act 2015 was enacted “to deliver a better service for employers and employees, and to deliver savings for the taxpayer, businesses and workers”. This lecture will discuss the means utilised in the legislation to achieve these goals. The lecture begins by outlining the background to the Act and the deficiencies in the system that operated at that time. The main provisions in the Act, in particular the Workplace Relations Commission and its various roles will then be discussed. The lecture finishes by highlighting some practical and theoretical problems with the Act as it currently stands.
- An overview of The Workplace Relations Act 2015
- The role and powers of The Workplace Relations Commission
- The new time limits
- Early resolution and mediation
- Appeals to The Labour Court
Teaching methods:
Discontinued 2021.
Duration & pricing:
- Net-Duration: 1 hour
To review current available booking options please refer to: 2024 Legal CPD programme
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